I enjoyed the exercise and will certainly do it again in 2022.
Today’s ironic find while searching through our bookcases.
Daughter #2 was really looking forward to SpiderMan tonight. Crowded cinema, no distancing and few masks so she decided to leave. I applaud her.
(this is in Scotland btw).
Too many cheery colour photos recently…
The badges.
We try to get a new Christmas tree decoration every year. How could I resist…
Tonight’s badly-poured beer is a lovely refreshing bramble saison by Dimple Things Fermentations.
I had some photos from my Leica Q2 Monochrom printed up to just below A2 for competition. The guy said “the quality from your Leica Q2 Mono is sublime” and I agree. The prints are amazing and photos really come alive when you hold them in your hands or see them on a wall.
Over the course of 2022 I want to learn to spell ‘turquoise’ with confidence!
Ever since the girls were wee I’ve made a holiday videa each year with background music. Every time I hear the playlist it takes me off to other locations and happy times.
My stainless steel whisky tumbler looks like something from Blade Runner and is reassuringly solid at 800g, with whisky added.
Yesterday I learned that putting film photographs into competition is a bad idea. The judge may mark you down for things such as the “black and white conversion that’s a little too muted.”
It was expired black and white film.
I’ve been using the beta of Omnifocus for iOS and occasionally struggle with the ‘discoverability’ of the UI.
Crew disembarking from HMS Queen Elizabeth in Magaluf. Brilliant improvisation or health and safety nightmare?
Any iOS Shortcuts guru know if you can turn off the notifications when you use it to launch an app from the Home Screen?
This is another album that is great to work to.
When I am needing to focus on writing, listening to the soundtrack from the movie Arrival on repeat is one of my favourite aids to focus.
I do have other albums for this too, but this is my current choice.
There’s something about our new toaster reminds me of David Lynch’s Dune…
How do people feel photo sharing via Glass is going? I’m not sure I’m seeing enough change and growth in there to keep me going. Shame…
I’m trying a Gin and Kombucha. It somehow feels like it is kind of defeating the whole point of Kombucha!
I created a iOS focus screen to try only at work…
One Scottish stereotype that is true? I need to go and speak with Jock tomorrow.
I’ve just finished re-reading Backroom Boys by Francis Spufford - a book about the return of the ‘boffin’ and British triumphs in science and engineering. There was a bittersweet irony he chose to end the book with the imminent arrival of Beagle 2 on Mars.