: To my great surprise, I find myself subscribing to Castro as my podcast app again. The (maybe …

: When I look at a ‘home’ like this I can appreciate the appeal of minimalism but where are the …

: I generally find the UI of the Overcast podcast app over-complex and it seems worse in the new …

: I seem to be spotting a lot of circles within squares.

: Going to miss having this view for the last week.

: I’m enjoying Ben Rich’s book Skunk Works and he is correct here about Concorde here but in that …

: My newest ‘barefoot’ shoes have been a big success for swimming off rocky beaches. Big bonus? You …

: Micro landscape

: My wife and I are away from normal life. For the first time in nearly 25 years it’s just the two of …

: Whenever I create a complex formula in Excel I like to keep it so nested in a single cell that it’s …

: and Maltese bread. Bought from the bakery in Sliema while still warm this morning.

: Prickly pear jam from our friends’ field in Malta.

: I’ve only just realised that Gluon was end-of-life. I miss that icon on my home screen.

: Radio 4’s More Or Less did a statistical analysis based on a viral Tik Tok video and song… …

: Voted! ❌

: Loving my new little concrete vase from Studio 22. A satisfying mix of brutalist style and nature.

: Many, many, years ago I drew this Celtic cross using MacDraw on an early Mac computer. I still have …

: One on my neighbours had this painted on their door by a local sign writer. I love it!

: It bugs me that no-one understands how icebergs float! I see this all the time in corporate …

: I thought this was interesting. The variation in sunrise and setting times from winter to summer …

: 📷 Finally found stock of the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF available in the UK.

: Apparently my repeated suggestion to use the food processor to make tray bake was not well-received.

: Waiting to hear Nile Rodgers and CHIC play live in Edinburgh.

: New rollerball pen from YStudio and it’s rather nice.

: I’m feeling the need for some ‘bug fixes and performance improvements’ this Monday morning. 😂 …

: I can’t listen to this music without remembering the Grenfell fire, 7 years ago today.

: This morning.

: I don’t know what triggered this memory but I remembered that Radio 4 in the UK used to broadcast …

: I came across this idea today and it gave me great pleasure. Whenever I take a note that proves to …

: The movie is good but the book is much better. I’ve been immersed in this world over the weekend.

: Potfest Scotland. The ceramic sculpture was glorious!

: It will be interesting being in Edinburgh city centre this afternoon for a few beers just before the …

: I only just learned that Agile Tortoise (Drafts developer) has a scanning app. It’s very good and …

: Can anyone recommend a unit conversion app for Android? I am willing to pay and it needs to (a) have …

: Today I was most impressed with the hardest working backronym in my company … TALENT (virTual …

: New Lanark, Scotland

: Dundee College of Art and Design

: Mirror, mirror on the ground…

: Black and white film exploration of Edinburgh. Lovely grainy Cinestill Bwxx film

: A grand day out at the DJCAD (Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design) degree show. The …

: The micro.blog analog(ue) tools meet-up is dangerously tempting. Loving my new Lochby pen case!

: I love film photography and so I’m looking forward to processing scans this weekend.

: It appears my iOS 17.5 focus modes are not switching automatically as they used to do, say when I …

: Updated my ‘now’ page.

: I can’t help thinking a podcast that’s 2:34:21 long is about 200% too long!

: Edinburgh New Town

: I really want to order a Ricoh GR III x HDF, have the money for it, but there are none to be had in …

: Saw this yesterday. ‘Jolly’ wasn’t the feeling that came to mind from the scary clown face!

: Delighted to keep my streak and win at snooker for five weeks in a row last night. The final frame …

: I was playing ‘Scabby Queen’ with the Trainee Psychologist last night and enjoying these cards I’ve …

: I loved these funky ’2’s in this handmade sign in Newhaven North Edinburgh.

: Anyone else finding the iOS Kagi search extension not working under 17.5?

: Over on the big blog. My list inspired by the Financial Times ‘Aesthete’ weekly column.

: Lovely imperial Red IPA from Elusive Brewing. 8.5%

: What if … everyone who saw the aurora on Friday night goes blind and giant carnivorous plants …

: I have signed-up for a course on Low toxicity pinhole photography. Looking forward to it.

: I do love a good hand-painted sign.

: I swung by New Lanark after dad’s taxi duties today.

: A day off today so a quick letter heading to the Trainee Animator.

: Dramatic selfie. The iPhone blurred my big flappy ear in a really unconvincing way.

: Just for some colour pop fun!

: I like that style.

: Updated my ‘Now’ page.

: Sad news. I loved reading Shardlake books and was looking forward to at least one more.


: New haircut for summer!

: When I glanced at this today my brain immediately asked why is former British prime minister John …

: I used to really enjoy the podcast 99% Invisible when it focused on hidden aspects of design and the …

: With my new sticker from the Trainee Animator I can’t wait to start my next logbook!

: I just realised that the roll of black and white film in my Pentax LX has not been loaded properly …

: I am enjoying watching The Good Lady Psychotherapist engrossed in a book she has enjoyed and about …

: Sharing is caring: My recipe for wild garlic pesto.

: At some point I subscribed to the RSS feed for The Critic magazine. At lot of the content there …

: Just out the blender, a second batch of wild garlic pesto.

: I love this thing. It’s such fun to use in my notebooks.

: Scotch Malt Whisky Society yesterday.

: I think I have a candy kittens problem…

: A week of holiday now. Making-up for the COVID holiday in February!

: I love having the ‘compact’ OED available for reference. Today I’m looking up the word “shoggle”. I …


: In the UK Al Murray is known as a standup comedian albeit a very good one. Apparently this is a very …

: There’s a cookery show in Malta on the TV. My wife is literally shouting at the screen correcting …


: My new pendant arrived today. A hand gripping a garnet ‘mudlarked’ out of the River Thames. I like …

: The ‘leisure’ bag doesn’t have as many badges (pins) as the Trainee Animator’s but I do like the …

: After two weeks, and as requested by @bsag, my review of the Håg Capisco office chair.

: I was slightly alarmed to see my Blot folder disappearing from Dropbox this morning! As far as I can …

: Wandering around Newhaven with a Leica R8 and Harmon Phoenix film

: Just out the blender - wild garlic pesto made with Anster cheese and a few pistachios along with …

: Two more recent film photographs. I’m really liking the new Harmon Phoenix colour film in …

: Chancellor Mill Edinburgh on black & white Tri-X film in a Leica R8

: Dark Edinburgh on black & white Tri-X film in a Leica R8

: Graffiti on Kodak Tri-X film

: A short book review on the main blog. Michel Barnier’s Secret Brexit Diary.

: One habit I’ve developed is because of having an animator in the family. When I see them, I video …

: Speaking of design, I’ve been giving my IWC watch a rest and enjoying my favourite G-Shock watches.

: Over on the (newly restyled) main blog I’ve been musing about good design and the one example …

: First roll of Phoenix film back from processing. Done nothing with them yet but love the lo-fi …

: Excited to have ordered a new ‘task’ chair for home. A refurbished Håg Capisco. I’m looking forward …

: Over in my big blog, I finally read A World Without Email by Cal Newport and have some thoughts on …

: Just out of curiosity I downloaded Simplenote again. I’ve no intention to use it but, it’s an …

: I’m finding that Kagi search is no longer working in Safari on iOS. As far as I can tell, the …

: I’m finding that Kagi search is no longer working in Safari on iOS. As far as I can tell, the …

: Well, that’s dark!

: One of my favourite quotes about keeping a good notebook.

: Really enjoying my new Ajoto Pocket Paper notebook. Maybe the one scrappy notebook to rule them all. …

: I’m enjoying keeping my ‘now’ page up-to-date periodically. It gives me an opportunity to think …

: Local graffiti

: Having a play with Midjourney AI generated (in this case blended) images.

: My local secondary school in the style of Hilla & Bernd Becher. Just for fun and a very sloppy …


: Day one off work = Day one of COVID. It has an unpleasant symmetry about it.

: Spotted today while waiting at the GP (doctor’s surgery). Someone was off school the day of the …

: A bit of an experiment. What do you think? I was trying to create a sense of people being spied upon …

: Scottish herbs and Maltese sea salt. It’s like a metaphor for my family!

: Phase two of The Book Purge!

: I’ve always kept my Day One journal as one big file - 2,596 entries since April 2012. I am wondering …

: Black and white Dundee

: Two massive bags of books handed-in to charity this morning. I’m left with very mixed feelings about …

: Tonight’s treat is an 18-year-old Highland Park from the Scottish Malt Whisky Society here in …

: I keep trying other Mac and iOS browsers, in particular Orion which is great. I keep coming back to …

: I’ve added a now page to my main Blot website. I’ll try to update it regularly.

: I love fountain pens and that world of ‘makers’ and small shops but they are often rubbish at …

: The ‘day’ side of my night and day coin. In a coin-free world it’s useful to see who breaks first at …

: We just started watching The Last Of Us tonight. I’m unable to shake-off the impression of Joe much …

: This Christmas I received a gift that is the follow-up book to my favourite novel that I re-read …

: I also discovered Genmaicha tea this week and I am really enjoying it.

: I enjoy working in a quiet office on Fridays in a post-pandemic world where no-one comes in and …

: Doodled this today while on a boring call. I quite like him!

: Every time someone in a work meeting says “SQEP” (suitably qualified experienced person) a little …

: I just realised that the oldest file that I have used continuously on my computer is now 20 years …

: I’ve just been using the new version of BBEdit with the ChatGPT integration and it’s …

: The Trainee Animator has been baking before heading back to art school tomorrow. Cinnamon knots.

: Today’s book arrival is big and signed by the ‘author’! I love McCullin’s work - esp the studies of …

: Has anyone tried the Funnel app on their iPhones? It looks like a neat idea but I’m not sure it …

: I’m still puzzled about why the MagSafe charging sound is The One Sound That Must Never Be Silenced™ …


: First ‘work’ coffee of 2024! The cup is a gift from daughter #2, adding more pink to my life.

: The Trainee Animator was also inspired by yesterday’s visit to the National Gallery. The drawing in …

: Very excited to be on a beta for an iOS app I’ve been waiting to see back on iPhone after a long …

: I also liked this little portrait by Henry Raeburn.

: I went to the National Gallery to deliberately just look at a small number of paintings for longer …

: My top five books of last year.

: I find myself in complete agreement with Scot Hacker’s approach to managing photos.

: Can’t decide on dubbed vs. subbed for The Boy and The Heron. In my experience Ghibli dubs are …

: The botanic garden lights in monochrome might seem an odd choice but it works for me. Everything …

: Water of Leith in Edinburgh today.

: Edinburgh Botanic Gardens this evening.

: This has been a really great series of comic books―much enjoyed by the Trainee Animator and me.

: Christmas cooking went well this year. I tend to be a relaxed cook and that helps when there is so …

: Victoria and Albert. Two ‘cottages’ in the town I grew-up in.

: More from our solstice walk yesterday.

: High door.

: The scariest of Christmas tree decorations.

: Out for our traditional solstice walk.

: Over on the main blog, the 52 things I learned this year.

: Over on the main blog, the 52 things I learned this year.

: Our decorations are old, they don’t match. Many were made at nursery or primary school but there are …

: I wish Facebook had a you’ve got my interests so wrong just reset the algorithm button.

: I seemed to be seeing a lot of ads for 4k touchscreen displays for editing photographs. The …

: Origami snowflake from a colleague.

: Fife this afternoon. Which is really evening so near the winter solstice.

: I had great fun over the last two days summarising and then shredding paper journals from the last …

: Pleased with my customised PCalc layouts. This is the simple one.

: I’m filleting (gutting) my Feedbin RSS feeds. It’s very satisfying but I hope I don’t go too far and …

: I see the Apple rival to Day One is out now. I’m so deep in the Day One ecosystem for such a long …

: Tonight in Edinburgh.

: Tonight in Edinburgh


: My wife’s mocha coffee today.

: Looking forward to trying a new (I mean brand new never been sold before) colour film in my cameras.

: Anyone have useful references or sources on good knowledge management in (engineering) …

: The design of the brand may be nothing special but that’s a lovely 5.1% ABV bitter from Kernel …

: National Portrait Gallery. Two favourites by the same painter. An old favourite painting of Scottish …

: I just cancelled my Droplr pro account. It was last year I noticed that I even had one and that they …

: I think it’s the “small amount of explosives” impressed me most!

: Some months ago i walked away from the Castro podcast app and reluctantly switched to Overcast. It …

: Dundee on Monday.

: A young man on a busy bus just stood up and offered me their seat. Bloody hell I’ve become old!

: Tonight’s evening stroll

: Following-on… That’s some more of this weekend’s music taken care of.

: Problems uploading images to micro.blog?

: The first of a couple of ‘lockdown’ music albums I have been looking forward to. This is Vince …

: Looking forward to trying this Guardian publication as an experiment.

: Excited to see signs of life from Superlist. My wife relied on Wunderlist and doesn’t find it worked …

: It’s been a film photography weekend! recent photos around Edinburgh with a Yashica T5 and …

: I have been thinking about subscriptions, and particularly my newspaper subscriptions. If I had to …

: Inspired by @HemisphericViews and other follow-up posts, here are my default apps.

: Just to add to yesterday’s photo of ‘save icons’ there was a time when computer hard drives were …

: Talking of books and their importance. Rule 7 in our rules of the house…

: One day soon I need to get rid of my little collection of save icons.

: When you carry a film camera with a 50mm f1.2 lens you just have to shoot everything wide open!

: 📚 A question. Are there any UK based book review sites with good (ideally full text) RSS feeds? I …

: Seen near home.

: The irony of having just ordered a grey highlighter pen is not lost on me!

: Doing a little work on next year’s planner.

: It’s that time of year when j switch out my usual pendant.

: Went into Stewart Christie on Queen Street in Edinburgh to photograph the Brexit Trousers™ 😂

: I am really loving this new album from Nitin Sawhney. It’s a very diverse selection of music on a …

: Just switched my Drafts subscription over to ‘Patron’ level. It’s that useful.

: This year’s batch of four Christmas puddings are cooling. This year’s edition is made with Lindores …

: Much as I love the Rego app for logging locations, the pace of updates has slowed to a point that …


: Morning coffee from Artisan Roast

: Writing some notes with a Gekkoso 8B pencil that was handmade in Japan. Possibly my favourite pencil …

: I met this guy in an Edinburgh in on Friday afternoon and we talked about books. He mentioned he was …

: Tonight Maria made Maltese Widows’ Soup and it was delicious. It’s a stew made with cheap …

: Over on my main blog - stepping backwards. My thoughts about my recent experience with barefoot …

: Now that is PINK!

: From the tram window.

: I seem to have developed a liking for Caran d’Ache 849 sized ballpoint pens.

: Time to re-read one of my favourite books. I’ve lost count of how many times. This copy has page …

: I loved this article from The Economist this week.

: I love my new Vivobarefoot shoes. It’s so good to feel the ground beneath my feet.

: Following-on from a recent post from Jack Baty — SetApp apps I use.

: Last signs of summer in the Collapsed Sunflower.

: This never gets old

: Darkroom printing today.

: I am really enjoying using FileMaker again after years away. Re-learning old tricks.

: A call from a friend earlier today and now tomorrow I am walking round the coast from Aberlady to …

: Free entertainment in Dundee taken on black and white film with my Pentax LX camera

: I am really enjoying using FileMaker again after years away. Re-learning old tricks.

: I asked ChatGPT to write me a sonnet on the subject of the Forth Bridge. I was slightly disappointed …

: Strange tower in the countryside when I was exploring today.

: Whenever ‘Doctor’ Michael Mosley pops-up on Radio 4 promoting Just One Thing to improve our lives. …

: We have lots of family photos but this one always makes me smile. Memories of our ‘lockdown’ themed …

: Empathy works

: I really felt moved by this short piece of music by Nitin Sawney. Available on TIDAL and Spotify.

: I love walking barefoot so I’m excited to be trying some ‘barefoot’ running shoes in the next few …

: Dundee back alley

: My daughter wanted to go painting ceramics for her birthday so I chose to create a new espresso cup.

: I am shocked it’s still not possible to complete a recurring task early using Cultured Code’s Things …

: I was out yesterday with my Pentax LX loaded with CineStill BwXX black and white 35mm film. I love …

: Farmers’ market

: I can’t decide whether I prefer colour or black & white for this image. Thoughts?

: Over here in the UK I occasionally listen to news from Tortoise Media. It does seem to be staffed …

: I just learned that the two Mambo Loud shirts I bought 30 years ago are now worth over £500. 😎

: Well that’s a first for me at Wordle. Wordle 802 1/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: My recent musings on browser bookmarks led to a big change in the way I manage them and the numbers …

: Flowers in the coffee shop

: Another photo from my Bog Birthday Photo Walk

: Over on the main blog, my thoughts on Oppenheimer.

: Sunshine over grief

: I’m wondering. Does anyone still use web browser bookmarks outside a work environment? I certainly …

: Defiance and Whimsy. I thought this was a striking juxtaposition of rebellion and playful …

: My present for my Big Birthday today was a photo walk with a pro photographer, focused on street …

: Reading in the sun.

: I loved finding this old abandoned house in the middle of a field.

: The Modern Shrine

: 📚 It’s early days, but this is proving to be a very interesting and enjoyable book.

: I read this in a book six years ago and still find it hilarious.

: These kinds of toys scare the bejasus out of me.

: Not bad for a 21 year-old 4 mega pixel digital camera!

: Off to Edinburgh city centre to take some photos with a black and white film camera and a digital …

: You can tell it’s festival time in Edinburgh.

: The ‘Panic’ T-shirt I am wearing today is 15 years old this month. No fast fashion here.

: Holiday pens.

: Norfolk. Abandoned house in a field.

: I remember ‘Shug’ (Hugh) Greenaway lending me his Walkman at work to listen to Sinéad O’Connor’s …

: Home. In Norfolk. For the moment.

: Blenheim Palace

: Tonight’s BBC Proms with Pekka Kuusisto playing the Vivaldi Four Seasons with folk music interludes …

: Mr Eion coffee bar

: The bothy in the park

: I saw this photograph by Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen today. I love it!

: 📚 I just finished reading George Simenon’s The Snow Was Dirty. What a marvellous book about a …

: Train tickets make great bookmarks if you have an artist around to decorate them.

: Over on the big blog some industrial design. A few favourite sheepsfoot pocket knives.

: My discovery that my iPhone can have multiple ‘copies’ of App icons on different screens is a game …

: I was listening to the poet Claudia Rankine on her troubled childhood. This view really resonated …

: Motion


: I actually wondered if this was a marketing stand for the Barbie movie! 🤦🏼

: I came off Twitter when they killed the third-party apps that minimised the annoyance of algorithmic …

: The year we decide to end our Christmas round robin letter we hit the sweet spot in achievement and …

: The family are watching The Great British Sewing Bee and Tony The Hat has briefly removed the hat. …

: I discovered a business near where I live, that has been making sealing wax in Edinburgh since 1752. …

: Protest!

: Leith walk.

: The Master Animator has been adding (even) more detail to a drawing before colouring.

: I’ve been trialling a free subscription to the UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper. I have to say, the …

: The newly Trained Animator has been accepted for a further year of study to become a Master …

: The ceilidh shot with Ilford Ortho black and white film


: Three photos all taken within a few metres (and minutes) of each other.

: It’s been a long while since I last wrote about my PC backup and things have moved-on since I did.

: My father worked for British Rail. He once held back a train so I could make it to a new year’s …

: I should think about documenting where I back stuff up. It’s been 13 years since I last thought …

: Bridge

: Daughter no. 1 aka The Trainee Animator is now a Trained Animator. Graduation day today.

: This is an exciting (and proud) day to look forward to. Daughter #1 aka The Trainee Animator is now …

: I’ve installed a Usenet client on my new Mac Mini but I don’t think it will see much traffic these …

: Now that I’ve got a Mac with the ‘oomph’ to drive the Arc Browser I’m eagerly awaiting my invitation …

: ♪♫ I know a song that will get on your nerves! ♩♬

: In our home, when labelling baking, the opposite of coeliac is apparently ’normal’. I am the coeliac …

: I’m reading a book by Vaclav Smil. I had forgotten just how dense and dry his writing style is.

: There’s some of the summer holiday reading taken care of. The fifth novel by ‘Ambrose Parry’ …

: A couple of recent black and white photos from the Ricoh camera.

: I don’t often talk politics on the big blog but recent events have moved me to reflection.

: My new Apple Silicon Mac has inspired me to try the Arc Browser again. After my last try on my …

: So one week after moving to a new Mac everything is working well. So far I’ve managed to avoid …

: With a few minute to kill, I’m watching the Apple WWDC Keynote live. Some of the introductions sound …

: According to the repair specialists the door seal in our washing machine may have been damaged by …

: Is it possible to use MarsEdit with local folder-based blogging systems such as Blot?

: The one thing that struck me about migrating my Mac is just how many Writing apps I haven’t …

: Yesterday was all about migrating to a new Apple Mac. My first desktop in 20 years of Mac use. The …

: State of the RPN calculators in use at work.

: Inspired by @jack I’ve updated my ‘stuff I use’ page. It has been exactly five years since I first …

: Return of The Mask!

: I’m currently enjoying this selection of books ―whether read with my eyes or ears.

: I’m finding myself using a daily paper journal more regularly and therefore updating my ’proper …

: Reading Middlemarch it occurs to me that no-one in the novel reads novels for leisure. A bit like …

: After 20 years of using only MacBook Pros I’m about to order a Mac Mini and Studio Display. Although …

: Yesterday was my daughter’s final degree show at art school. Artists’ business cards are unlike …

: I looks like New Mac Upgrade Day could be next week! That means Apple announcing new models the week …

: The Bridge. Melting.

: Seen on our travels today.

: I really enjoyed this book, as a travel journal written at an important time.

: Dutch tulip flowering

: Today’s Home Screen.

: The Trainee Animator and I exchange handwritten letters every few weeks. We normally include doodles …

: It’s funny how a mere mention (@canion, looking at you) of notes apps is enough to send me down the …

: Some colouring-in to start my new Fields Notes notebook.

: I’m setting-up a basic Wordpress site for The Trainee Animator aka Daughter no 1. Any suggestions of …

: My myopia means spectacles can be very expensive but I think I can justify the cost given how much …

: I’ve neglected the analogue (yes, I’m British) Read Later folder too long.

: Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty at the Edinburgh Festival Theatre was fantastic last night.

: After 20 years of using a Mac I’m thinking of switching to desktop for the first time. I went to …

: I recently saw what looked like ‘unofficial’ gardeners cutting letters into this grass. I was …

: Trying the unreleased version of an ‘ursine’ notes app. It’s great, but maybe not enough to move me …

: A book I am looking forward to finishing today. Orhan Pamuk is clearly a great writer, and this is a …

: I wish it were possible to use the current Mac version of Soulver and sync the output to iOS …

: One major downside of my planned switch from MacBook to desktop Mac? My dependence on TouchID means …

: Once again a corporate presentation reminds me that the presenter’s confidence is proportional to …

: I’m excited by this. A better focusing screen for my old Leica R8 camera. My old eyes can’t cope …

: I think this is the only app from my first iPhone that I still use. Atomic Clock gets quite a bit of …

: I have been lucky enough to have a few visits to Lundy Island. I saw this article and it reminded …

: Looking forward to trying this.

: Today’s lamppost sticker.

: ★★★★★ Living was a wonderful example of cinema as a machine for generating empathy. It reminded us …

: and for those who haven’t seen it, the most brilliant political cartoon of the week. Apologies for …

: This week’s best New Yorker cartoon.

: This wasn’t quite the view but it was a dramatic rainbow.

: Trying a local ‘perpetuity’ whisky later.

: My Instagram account has suddenly been disabled. I’ve no idea why but I’m also not sure just how …

: To the museum today with Daughter no. 1 who’s an enthusiastic Whovian.

: A nice surprise through the post yesterday. A lovely stamp from the USA and a letter from @JMaxB.

: Dinner with daughter no. 1 tonight. We decided Shakespeare was wrong about the ‘seven ages of man’. …

: Yesterday I ‘deleted’ both my Twitter accounts. One day later and absolutely no regrets.

: Two very different bodies for my preferred Montblanc fineliner refills. Two very different …

: Always good to link to this song on International Women’s Day. A great song and a band really …

: Decided to switch my podcast player to Overcast. It’s over-complicated and the design is somewhat …

: What’s happened to Castro podcast player overnight! If I needed the complexity of all those bells …

: We watched Kenneth Branagh’s Belfast tonight. Loved it. ★★★★★

: Did I have a vivid dream last night where Rishi Sunak was telling the people of Northern Ireland …

: 📚 This secondhand book is going to be great fun.

: In corporate training, whenever a test has the answer ‘all of the above’. That is always the answer …

: Mexican food with daughter no. 1, the trainee animator, was a great treat tonight.

: I’m experimenting with delaying opening nice parcels until the start of the weekend. I want to take …

: Playing around with sunlight shining into a metal sink bowl.

: After one of the younger family members asked to have “answers on a postcard” explained, I’m …

: Really enjoyed this New York Times photo essay in public libraries. …

: I also like Maltese savoury cheesecakes (pastizzi) but shouldn’t eat them.

: An unexpected visit to Malta for my mother-in-law’s funeral. As an aside, I’m glad there are still …

: Ex Libris from the book I’m reading. Printed in 1701.

: Dementia is a cruel way to end one’s life. This week we are travelling to Malta to mark the …

: Loving this new album from a Young Fathers. My local Leith band!

: My daughter bought me one of those ‘evolution’ t-shirts for Christmas to mark my badminton playing. …

: Selfie with Agfa black and white film.

: I’m living like a Rockefeller, Onassis or Kardashian and buying a roll of colour film.

: Two Schon Design fountain pens with unusual nibs. The one in the background is one I converted to …

: Today in Dundee

: Using the ‘ugly duckling’ film camera today.

: I’m reading a book written in 1871 and listening to hip-hop from 2022. This confuses my little …

: I hate emails that “let you know that your order (#xxxxx) was shipped” when two days later you find …

: I’ve been showing a colleague how to use some enterprise software. Watching them right-click to copy …

: The world is making my withdrawal from social media on my phone easier. Twitterrific introduced me …

: The FastMail iOS problem is not unique to me. Turns out I’m nothing special!

: FastMail crashing on my iPhone each time I launch it. Even after a restart.

: I enjoyed getting time to go round Edinburgh art galleries today. Turner watercolours and Lodt …

: I’ve not used it much for the last few years¹, but I’ll miss Twitterrific on my iPhone. —— 1. There …

: I was delighted to win 3-1 at snooker tonight. Particularly as I was potting consistently and …

: I am enjoying my new iPhone but just wish there is some way to silence the MagSafe charging alert. …

: The Trainee Animator has made me a new ‘bookmark’

: As an analogue letter writer I’m delighted with my new wax seal. I only worked out my ideal design …

: My current location seems more appropriate for Prince Harry

: For the last couple of years I have been trying to focus on the idea of ‘less’ as a goal. Maybe 2023 …

: The trainee animator has gone back to art school

: Today is new 📱 day. 😎

: This Christmas break I’ve converted daughter no. 1 to pour-over coffee from freshly ground beans. I …

: I’m really enjoying the new audio version of The Dark is Rising on the BBC. I first read this book …

: I’m really enjoying the new audio version of The Dark is …

: I decided to add a BlueSound Node to my hifi and I am very impressed so far. It’s easy to setup, …

: I was feeling a little light headed yesterday. Or was I just acting a little shady?

: Any Bluesound Node users here on micro.blog? Feedback and thoughts would be welcome

: Waiting to meet daughter no. 1

: Holding down the sky

: I’m pleased that between gym and badminton, I took part in 161 fitness sessions in 2022.

: My annual backup of email to MailSteward takes place today, adding all the email that survived 2022. …

: My 2022 reading list

: Instagram and I are still ‘on a break’. I’ve even started seeing other apps more regularly.

: Someone who lives nearby has already dumped their Christmas tree. Seems just a little big premature!

: Merry Christmas. Plans have been made and lessons have been learned!

: ↑↑↑↑ The Christmas present to myself is this avatar as a wax seal. Unfortunately it’s delayed in the …

: It doesn’t happen often but we’ve tidied our so-called ‘pantry’.

: In this year of Our Lord, 2022, I finally gave in and asked someone for directions.

: Damn, I think I’ve lost one of my Ajoto pens.

: Whenever I read the word ‘lawmakers’ my brain tells me ‘lawnmakers’. I often find news reports on …

: 52(ish) things I learned during 2022

: Train through the station

: Tony Belleek cup

: Today’s New Yorker cartoon seems appropriate this year, especially at the end of a torrid year in UK …

: Following on from an email this morning I’ve installed the Readwise Reader application. Might be …

: I’m working through the back catalogue of Einstürzende Neubauten tonight. A really great discovery.

: ‘Good Santa’ and ‘Evil Santa’ ready for their annual appearance. I wish I could tell them apart.

: La Belle Epoque ★★★★★

: Enjoying the look of MarsEdit 5 even though I don’t have quite so many websites these days. I’m …

: I was really pleased with my snooker games tonight. Won 3 games to 1 and the final frame was 98:36 …

: My last post with the Instagram app for a while. The timeline has become so unpleasant there’s …


: This book is very slim but I’m making it last because it’s that good. I feel the story is going to …

: Thanks for the tide app recommendations. I might try Tide Guide as it’s an elegant looking app. In …

: Any recommendations for a good tide tracking app for iPhone? Predominantly UK use

: With the recent problems with performance of the Castro podcast app, I’m trying Overcast again. …

: It’s getting a bit steamy here today! My Christmas puddings are cooking.

: There’s nothing quite like a lone piper playing a lament at a remembrance event out in the winter …

: There’s nothing quite like a lone piper playing a lament at a remembrance event out in the winter …

: It’s so good to have my hifi working again. I was reading but Rachmaninov’s Isle of the Dead¹ is …

: ‘Stuff’ doesn’t correlate to happiness but carefully chosen stuff can.

: When I walk round a city and see a single flat in a tenement that’s run-down but still clearly used, …

: Just wondering… when I migrate my iPhone will my Carrot Weather custom layout be transferred. Anyone …

: No podcasts in Castro this morning and casto.fm is down too. Nothing from devs on Twitter so I …

: Something you would only hear on BBC Radio 4: “I first read this when I 15 and was going through a …

: Something you would only hear on BBC Radio 4: “I was going through a magical realism phase.”

: I was without my HiFi preamplifier for 103 days! Thought about how much I was missing music EVERY …

: More experiments with Trichromes. Colour images from black and white pinhole photos

: 📚 I’m really enjoying reading (with my ears) Dr Fiona Hill’s book. Her early life somewhat mirrors …

: Spot the podcast error? “UK listeners, this one’s for you As you gear up for the fall…”

: Micro.blog hive mind… any suggestions for titles for these photo prints?

: I have iA Presenter beta invitations if anyone wants one. I’ve been really impressed with it so far. …

: I think my current MacBook Pro (2016) is the first one I’ve owned where I had to forego the latest …

: .

: First attemp at a trichrome. Colour photograph from three black & white pinhole photos.

: Britain’s current Prime Minister will now go down in history … as a pub quiz trivia question.

: A project for the end of the week is to try creating trichrome colour images from three filtered RGB …

: Who knew…

: A day in the life of… if it’s Thursday night there’s a 50% chance I’ll be playing snooker at 7:00pm …

: New planner arrival day is always a good day!

: Ship Inn in Ellie for dinner

: You might enjoy this. A wee film were the Trainee Animator (daughter no. 1) did a bit of the …

: Dundee today

: In Dundee to help the Trainee Animator move flats. Letter written to an old friend over coffee and …

: Change of seasons

: Recent stuff from The Trainee Animator

: Another new post on the main blog: my new portable music system. TLDR - I love it!

: 🖋 Over on the main blog. State of the fountain pens

: I ordered an Arran cardigan today. That feels so middle-aged… It will be knitted by one …

: I’m enjoying re-reading Lord Peter Wimsey novels. Peter is a very human and humane detective.

: I’ve moved away from using shortcuts to launch apps on iOS 16. Just too clunky. I couldn’t quite …

: When my wife was moving back to working from an office this year, she found she had two copies of …

: I am really pleased I managed to write four letters this weekend. My one-man campaign to keep letter …

: Some mixed feeling about my new Astell & Kern music player. The sound is FANTASTIC but this is …

: One of the most ‘meta’ moments in my life was watching the animated film The Illusionist in …

: It has been a while since I tried another Backpack. This Trakke one is fantastic and uses waxed …

: Yesterday on Cramond Island

: I’m seriously thinking of stopping using iOS Shortcuts to generate menus of news and audio apps from …

: Persons throwing stones at the telegraphs will be prosecuted.

: Let Montagu Burton Dress You

: Mrs Francis Herbert of Clytha

: I am really looking forward to trying an Astell & Kern music player. The physical design appeals …

: I’m finding the new ReadKit 4.0 a very competent RSS feed reader. I used to only keep its …


: Last week The Trainee Animator introduced me to some classic French new wave cinema. Tonight I am …

: 📚 I had to give-up on The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. I felt it was an …

: 📚I had to pull the shutters down on trying to read The Ministry for the Future. It might to be an …

: The uncertainty about my dead pre-amplifier is getting to me. I’m looking at Astell & Kern …

: Tried the Arc Browser. Not impressed with the amount of CPU muscle it needed behind it to just run.

: If you updated to iOS 16 and can’t add third party Lock Screen widgets, go to settings and toggle …

: Jupiter Artland today.

: I’m not a huge fan of Gruber but tried an episode of his Talk Show podcast. It’s like the modern …


: New favourite gin

: I finally got round to editing my holiday photos. The first stage is always the same―deleting …

: Apparently my Linn preamplifier is beyond economic repair. 😢 Struggling to thing how I can buy …

: Wonderful version of a great song and an important message.

: Apologies for the spoiler in my previous post. I thought it forgivable when referring to a work from …

: I’ve previously read the Emily Wilson translation of The Odyssey ‘with my eyes’. Now I’m …

: Back to digital for a bit and out and about with the Q2 Mono. I love this camera!


: I really enjoyed the game Device 6 in the past and wish there was a follow-up or even something …




: Very delighted with this ceramic screw top bottle from Chris Donnelly at Cyan Clayworks here in …

: Loving my new birthday cup from the Leach Pottery. Perfect for tea!

: One year later. Very moving stories and testimonies from women in Afghanistan.

: Granton Harbour

: On my not-quite-my-birthday, how lovely to receive two gifts made for me by the art student.

: On my not-quite-my-birthday, low lovely to receive two gifts made for me by the art student.


: I love this way of seeing my photos for the first time.



: Spotted today while wandering around Edinburgh

: Charging the solar G-Shocks. There’s no guarantee of sunny weather in Scotland!

: Even though I lost tonight’s snooker, it was very close and I got the biggest break of the night.

: Our holiday stays at Landmark Trust properties mapped in Rego. I feel the southeast of the UK needs …

: Everything Everywhere All at Once was ★★★★★. Completely honkers but mesmerising.

: Powerless to resist the yellow charms.

: Support your local…

: My recent musings on the future of commercial photography. Am I being overly pessimistic?

: The trainee animator and now part ceramicist has been busy making tiny pots.

: Last night’s tasty beer. Release The Cranachan!

: I find it very disconcerting when people disappear from my micro.blog timeline and I can’t remember …

: Tonight I gave daughter no. 1 a haircut for the second time. The first time she was less than one …

: I think I’ve just ‘blown-up’ my Linn pre-amplifier.

: Ad-hoc cheeseboard with my @anso_of_denmark knife.

: Our holiday fortnight (two weeks) is coming to an end. The final weekend here is splendid …

: Can’t see this without thinking of Leslie Phillips in Carry On films.

: Barbara Hepworth museum St Ives

: I finished the novel Beware of Pity after it was recommended by someone in the Readers Republic …

: Hereford Cathedral the other day to see the Mappa Mundi. Wonderful Painting by Daughter no. 1, the …

: Our holiday house feels like living in a Matthew Shardlake novel.

: My new/old film camera is a real ugly duckling but feels and sounds marvellous and … Leica glass!

: Last nights Readers Republic discussions were really interesting. Our next discussion will include …

: New (old) film camera day and it’s a chunky boy! Still waiting on a Summicron 50mm lens before I can …

: First outing for the new pinhole camera. Captured on a Pentax LX with Tri-X film.

: Game over…. No more games of ‘Corson’ in Edinburgh.


: New 50p coin in the UK

: I still use and like Rego but I have a bad feeling about it’s future. Are there any similar apps for …

: First rule of stationery club: always have a writing implement within arm’s reach.

: I love my ‘Starship Armada’ t-shirt but wish the Liberator from Blake’s Seven wasn’t going …

: “It was quite a tough school. Put it this way, we had our own coroner” — John Cooper Clarke

: A quick game of ‘Hive’ vs. Daughter no. 1. Needless to say, I lost.

: Today’s #MBMay theme of endurance reminded me how much I’ve suffered as my two daughters grew up. 😂

: #MBMay day 30 fish (or maybe not).

: A micro landscape

: I collected my pottery this morning and I’m very happy with the results. Perhaps a bit more precise …

: #MBMay day 29 stripes

: #MBMay day 28 and a trip to the fair.

: #MBMay day 27 and it’s written.

: Couldn’t think of anything exciting for today’s #MBMay prompt so here’s some sort of schedule.

: New fountain pen day. An Elbwood pen from Hamburg. A beautiful combination of metal and ebonite.

: I take my hat off to people who regularly climb mountains. This is the only mountain I tackle …

: #MBMay day 24’s prompt reminded me of some intricate modern art I saw in Edinburgh some years ago. …

: New sticker on the laptop.

: Day 23’s #MBMay photo prompt reminded me of this wonderful book from the 1950s promoting the use of …

: A pleasant evening reading about Robert Stirling and his eponymous engine from the 1800s. I as …

: A cheeky pre-prandial negroni in the Blade Runner ‘glass’.

: Day 22 of #MBMay and socks are made from textile right?

: Day 21 #MBMay. Not quite symmetry as it’s two people. My wife and daughter compared a few years ago.

: I’ve just finished the novel O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker. Wow! Just wow, what a wonderful book.

: #MBMay day 20 and brewing the first beverage of the day before heading to work.

: A few records to work through this weekend…

: Just because you all insisted. Some indulgence for day 19 of #MBMay

: Today’s random photo for day 18 of #MBMay

: Some intensively hot and steamy cooking tonight!

: Day 17: Hold

: Following on from last night’s Readers’ Republic call.

: Today’s #MBMay photo prompt inspired me to dig out my grandad’s pocket watch.

: Day 15 of #MBMay and the clouds above my head in North Edinburgh right now.

: The #MBMay day 14 photo I took some years ago and I like the guy being followed by the distorted …

: Day 13 of #MBMay and an outdoor cinema event I helped organise in our local community

: A tranquil moment for day 12 of the #MBMay photo challenge.

: For day 11 of #MBMay this isn’t my photo. For someone living in Edinburgh maroon means the Heart of …

: I like this… “There is a real beauty in cleanliness and decency. Even inanimate things may …

: My AirPods Max are amazing. Just listening to a message from my daughter and the shifts in sound as …

: For day 10 of #MBMay it’s my beautiful Ken Matsuzaki saki flask and cup along with a small pot by …

: Day 9 photo challenge for #MBMay. The tulip from Amsterdam in our front garden is in bloom

: Problems posting photos to micro.blog tonight.

: For day 8 of the #MBMay photography challenge A reflection in the students’ union building in …

: Plenty of space to park today. #MBMay

: If there’s one work IT habit I particularly hate it’s adding shortcuts I can’t delete to my desktop. …

: My #MBMay silhouette

: Day 5 #MBMay photo inspired by the theme of Earth Here we are sailing back from the Scottish west …

: A thorny #MBMay for today.

: Another #MBMay photograph was an experiment using fountain pen ink dropped into water or onto wet …

: Today’s #MBMay photograph was an experiment developed with different iPhone apps. It started as a …

: Another #mbmay photo my photos in the Edinburgh Photographic Society’s members’ exhibition.

: Although my trial of Craft notes did not convince me to switch from Bear, the full-text search is …

: I’m not sure I’m tagging these #MBMay photos correctly.

: #mbmay photo challenge for day 2.

: I’m being literal with today’s #mbmay switch photo challenge. Seen in the Edinburgh Photographic …

: I tested importing all my notes from Bear to Craft notes yesterday. It’s a wonderful app but just …

: New camera day. Everyone needs two pinhole cameras and this tiny Chroma Cube looks like loads of …

: I’m delighted that our entire family now refers to the first attempt at anything written as the …

: Heterochromia

: Slowly recovering from COVID and on day 6 now. 🤞🏻 The loss of taste is interesting. Simple, strong …

: All this talk of Casio watches reminds me how much I like the iconic rectangular LCD models. The …

: New pen day and it’s got a high ‘fiddle factor’. It’s a Studio Neat Mark Two pocket pen.

: Light’s starting to fade but this is my Waterfield Bolt bag with my 15” MacBook Pro for …

: My wife and I are trying to stay interested in season 2 of ‘Picard’. Our eponymous hero has reunited …

: As of this morning the good lady psychotherapist her indoors is a ‘two striper’ on her lateral flow. …

: Photographed two graphics this morning…. I thought the evolution says a lot about our …

: I may just have ordered a new 35mm pinhole camera.

: Characters in TV and films never use electric toothbrushes.

: Dundee fairground taken with the Leica Q2M.

: Dundee’s murder house. Where a one-legged doctor was killed over 40 years ago and abandoned since …

: In my experience of malt whisky, older Glenfarclas is the only one with that lovely melted butter …

: I have ordered a new snooker cue. The first and last one I’m buying this century!

: I have to give the Weather Line credit for handling the end-of-service transition very, very, well …

: Last day using my long-term favourite weather app on my phone.

: Recent photos

: Today in boring techie news… I’m trying to use Alfred again on my MacBook Pro in place of …


: In my attempts to focus on ‘Less’ this year, I have now turned my focus on Facebook. Especially …

: We really enjoyed ‘I’m Your Man’ tonight. The best German film featuring an Android companion I’ve …

: We bid goodbye to my 96 year old Aunt today. She was always a character, planned her own service and …

: Travelling south for a family funeral (No-one too close) I’m not in the city now When the barmaid …

: I had fun doing the ‘Pick ’n’ Pluck on V3 of my Peli case for my film cameras. It’s ready to be …

: 📚 My review of the book ‘Sad Little Men: Private Schools and the Ruin of England’. TLDR: I totally …

: Tonight’s album is just about as ‘eclectic’ as the cover. Brilliant!

: Tonight’s craft beer experience. Florida Man DIPA. LOVERLY!

: I’m getting the itch to change my notes app. That must mean Bear 2.0 is imminent and will come out …

: Tonight’s lovely craft cider from our sample case from Scrattings that arrived this week.

: My daughter asked me to help her understand ‘R’ for her undergraduate course. Before I …

: I am fascinated by the demographics of the English-speakers who use “Hey” regularly. I hear it a lot …

: My wife and I watched this tonight on the BBC. Very powerful and incredibly moving.

: The good rules of clarity in PowerPoint slide design don’t seem to apply to the military.

: We watched ‘Boiling Point last night (in one continuous viewing naturally) and loved it. Quite the …

: Back to the Lego world map for a bit. The North Pacific just below Alaska.

: These are photos, just very heavily processed and layers of fountain pen ink in water or on wet …

: I take my hat off to daughter no. 1’s skill. She described this as a “bored doodle”, basically a …

: Your other national drink. What Irn Bru is to Scotland, Kinnie is to Malta.

: Today’s ‘EDC’.

: Snacking doesn’t get any more ‘Maltese’ than this!

: My word for 2022. It’s just a reminder for good habits I wish to develop this year.

: I like to think I am someone who will research the perfect office bag, buy it and then use it till …

: I had to declare ‘Instapaper bankruptcy’ at the weekend. The saved articles that survived the cull …

: Old dead dudes in the Signet Library. They make a nice cuppa tea though!

: Yesterday’s walk.

: Rewatched Pleasantville tonight. It still gets ★★★★☆

: Smailholm Tower in the Scottish Borders. A photo taken at this was time of year one blisteringly …

: Inspired by Tom Whitwell, here is my list of 52(ish) things I learned this year. I enjoyed the …

: Today’s ironic find while searching through our bookcases.

: Daughter #2 was really looking forward to SpiderMan tonight. Crowded cinema, no distancing and few …

: Too many cheery colour photos recently…

: The badges.

: We try to get a new Christmas tree decoration every year. How could I resist…

: Tonight’s badly-poured beer is a lovely refreshing bramble saison by Dimple Things Fermentations.

: I had some photos from my Leica Q2 Monochrom printed up to just below A2 for competition. The guy …

: Over the course of 2022 I want to learn to spell ‘turquoise’ with confidence!

: Ever since the girls were wee I’ve made a holiday videa each year with background music. Every …

: My stainless steel whisky tumbler looks like something from Blade Runner and is reassuringly solid …

: Yesterday I learned that putting film photographs into competition is a bad idea. The judge may mark …

: I’ve been using the beta of Omnifocus for iOS and occasionally struggle with the …

: Crew disembarking from HMS Queen Elizabeth in Magaluf. Brilliant improvisation or health and safety …

: Any iOS Shortcuts guru know if you can turn off the notifications when you use it to launch an app …

: This is another album that is great to work to.

: When I am needing to focus on writing, listening to the soundtrack from the movie Arrival on repeat …

: There’s something about our new toaster reminds me of David Lynch’s Dune…

: How do people feel photo sharing via Glass is going? I’m not sure I’m seeing enough change and …

: I’m trying a Gin and Kombucha. It somehow feels like it is kind of defeating the whole point of …

: I created a iOS focus screen to try only at work…

: One Scottish stereotype that is true? I need to go and speak with Jock tomorrow.

: I’ve just finished re-reading Backroom Boys by Francis Spufford - a book about the return of the …

: My wife and I were trying to remember a film we watched a long time ago and I needed to Google the …

: TV trivia. My flat mate and I ‘designed’ the original version of the t-shirt Stephen Fry is wearing …

: Today’s photography experiment. It’s lo-fi but I’m pleased with how it turned out.

: Love the podcast where Hans Zimmer complains about people contacting him about silence in some of …

: I really didn’t need it, but I’ve just ordered a Jens Ansø pocket knife.

: I cancelled my subscription to The Times. While their news coverage and columnists are unsurpassed …

: Started my new Lego project…

: Over on the big blog… Unexpected benefits.

: My love of wide apertures means I often end up carrying heavy lenses on my film cameras.

: I still surprise myself by accidentally ‘pressing’ the scroll bar in iOS. It’s the user experience …

: I’m flush with money from fountain pen sales and I’ve already turned some of it into a classic film …

: I am seriously considering culling my regular fountain pens down to just _nine! _

: That’s music for this weekend taken care of then.

: I loved listening to Scottish-born Nobel prize winner David MacMillan this morning. I don’t think he …

: I’m reflecting on my reaction to forgetting and leaving my phone behind for half a day. My immediate …

: 📚 I have finished one of my big books. A history of the first Afghan was confirming my thoughts that …

: I’m reminded by that last post that if I ever wrote a novel the protagonist would be called Paige …

: 📚 I have read three massive books in a row. Two still to finish and then I really need some fun page …

: There’s been some loose talk in this house of turning on the central heating before October. My …

: This weekend we explored the forest.


: Watching the Apple event I was struck by the thought that all the speakers had been trained to use …

: They are a ridiculous product but I love my Apple AirPods Max.

: We had great fun at the Ray Harryhausen exhibition here in Edinburgh yesterday.

: End of a very insignificant era. I’ve let my Carrot Weather subscription expire. Once Weather Line …

: My friend’s car just back from the paint shop.

: With it being a birthday month it’s been a good one for new records.

: What I find interesting about this picture from 11 years ago is that back then the only way to buy …

: Loved this short film from the Paralympic Games. vimeo.com/589469430

: 📚 This is proving to be an uncomfortably timely choice of book to read (with my ears). Underlines …

: Today I saw a young man get in his hatchback and carefully pull on string-backed driving gloves …

: It was a very early start to the day but exciting too as daughter no. 1 heads off to Michigan to …

: Suggs’ ‘My Life Story’ on Sky Arts ghix weekend has been my favourite TV for a while.

: Edinburgh’s strange little western street.


: This really is a remarkable coffee, quite unlike anything I’ve ever tried before.

: I’m quite the fan of the square G-Shock LCD watches…

: My daughter is studying in Michigan for one semester. 😀 Any recommendations on SIM choices for …

: There seems to be an frequent requirements creep that leads to simple notes apps becoming document …

: It was so great to be back on Lundy last month and a great week in Government House. What a …

: 📚 A friend talks about reading books with your eyes (traditional books) or ears (audio books). I …

: I think this Schon Design Ultem pen is going to be a real workhorse. I’ve used it to rehouse my …

: Siri’s British Voice 2 resembles Ben Whishaw. Using my phone for navigation feels like getting …

: I miss the remoteness of Lundy Island but it’s nice to be back in touch with people again and …

: Daughter no. 1 and I went to see the new David Hockney iPad exhibition. The work has a huge impact …

: Just back from one week on Lundy Island again. Not too shabby and well off the grid. No signal to …

: Verity

: Tomorrow we cross the border into England as they declare Freedom Day. Be kind to us!

: Over the years I’ve had more powerful calculators that have more features and run faster but this …

: I was watching a Little Mix with daughter no. 1 and they were doing a call and response with the …

: Today, I learned of the 1555 painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus by Pieter Bruegel. I loved …

: Well, my simplified life without film cameras didn’t last long. Nothing too outrageous this time but …

: I think I prefer my Mac icons to be bigger and irregular. These new style lozenges just look smaller …

: The power of music and the relevance of ancient myths. A song written over 300 years ago was …

: Tonight’s lovely craft beer. Tynt Meadow at 7.4%, England’s Trappist ale.

: I’ve been waiting for this book for quite some time now. Excited!

: Today I had breakfast in bed and dinner cooked by daughter no. 2 and a beautiful painted rock from …

: Slide rules

: 📚 Just finishing this and it might just be the best book I’ve read so far this year. In theory it’s …

: Last night in bed my wife was reading a Maltese novel out loud. It was like a bed time story in …

: Literally street photography… I thought this was beautifully drawn by whoever had created it …

: 📚over on the other blog,poetry please

: Who remembers the good old days computer when hard drives were bigger than a pair of size 8 safety …

: If one sits on steps in Stockbridge , Edinburgh, in the we evening it’s the sort of place where …

: I love East of Eden so this book has been fascinate and really engrossing.

: Reheating last night’s smoked fish pie for lunch today. Even in an half-empty office building I …

: I love those days we (I say ‘we’ but I mean ‘I’ 😀) can hang clothes outside to dry. Unlike those …

: My first visit to Typewronger in Edinburgh. Not my last. Books, typewriters and a free origami …

: It’s a Friday watch day for the start of the weekend. A change from my usual sober IWC.

: John Steinbeck on writing East of Eden There’s no hurry. All the time and all the story in …

: I’m keeping a list of one new thing I learn each week and have an entry for this week. Daughter no. …

: Tonight’s craft beverage. Nepalese Himalayan Spring Green Tea.

: It was so good to be back in the cinema this morning. The trainee animator and I went to see …

: We just watched the animated movie The Michells vs. The Machines. What a blast!

: Final lovely beer of the night.

: I’m so excited to be going back to the cinema next Sunday. Wolfwalkers at 10:00am and it’s so cheap!

: Tonight’s lovely refreshing local beer.

: Daughter no. 1 is enjoying a grapefruit gin and tonic in her Christmas tea cup.

: I don’t enjoy shaving enough to do it often but I do enjoy the rituals of shaving. I think my new …

: I slays think Royal Mail has an odd idea of how tracking is supposed to work. Most of the time, …

: The Trainee Animator is working in a leisure project inspired by one of my beer can labels. Turning …

: 📚 This book turned out to be a really great graphic novel. More of a family drama than a superheroes …

: So there you are, watching your wife’s old home movies and what do you see? A car from the future! …

: Bloody Brexit. I was ordering something from the US but the maker had to cancel the order. He had …

: Freshly out the oven and imagine the aroma! Sometimes it’s hard to be a coeliac.

: Latest gadget from cult of Apple. Rather impressive.

: I just saw a late middle-aged rocking a ‘Hitler’ moustache. Really!

: First time back in the gym for over one year! 😀

: You can certainly manage an on-site engineering team from home but can you lead them?

: Slimming down my RSS feeds over the weekend. There have been demotions, promotions, expulsions and …

: I am constantly amazed and delighted at the talent of The Trainee Animator!

: We’re watching the film ‘Sound of Metal’ tonight. I don’t think there was ever a better illustration …

: Tonight’s lovely basic beer is Tartan Shark, a 70/- (shilling) from Edinburgh’s smallest brewery.

: The book I am reading - A Triumph of Genius - is highlighting the parallels between Edwin Land and …

: I have been checking to see if my kindle has been enabled to have a Lock Screen showing the current …

: I may have see if I can order some ‘tether online. I seem to have exhausted my current stock. 😀

: Y’ Awright Pal? Seen in sunny Leith yesterday

: I hate getting rid of books but it’s great when it unearths a forgotten gem. All the good stuff …

: Encountered this cheeky face on a recent stroll round the block.

: I’d forgotten that I used to take photos of typography and signs. I enjoyed looking at these again …

: As someone who still goes into a work, albeit a quiet one, I’m seeing a steady pattern in the new …

: Things that bring me joy each time I use them. My Kaikado tea and coffee caddies.

: This was one of the film lenses I sold recently and one I loved as a portrait lens when the girls …

: I’m battling through backing up a ton of old home movies to Amazon S3 but it’s painfully slow with …

: I think my next mini-project to simplify my life should be to get rid of the many, many bags I’ve …

: Just finished reading this. Fantastic book and very dark. Some odd little anachronisms in the …

: Out for a stroll in the sun near The Bridge.

: After the trauma of moving to university, delays in choosing and a global pandemic we finally got …

: I was surprised how much I enjoyed this documentary on the BBC. It”s less about Britain’s Trappist …

: Off to clear out daughter no. 1’s student flat tomorrow. Students started their time in university …

: That’s my reduction in cameras complete now with the arrival of my Oberwerth camera bag. Two …

: There are certain applications I just know, without even trying them, it’s worth paying to upgrade. …

: Sad to see my favourite iOS weather app Weather Line pulled from the App Store (so no more updates) …

: Every time I hear “diarised” I grind a tiny bit of enamel from my teeth.

: I am loving this new camera!

: A few thoughts about my Leica Q2 Monochrom that ended-up much longer than I first thought…

: Tonight’s dinner time conversation piece may not mean much unless you are of a certain age and …

: That sinking feeling…

: Last night’s bread making adventure―not made by coeliac me. Japanese melon bread, which is as …

: We watched Wonder Woman 1984 tonight. Would anyone like the four ★s that are spare after my review?

: Instapaper seems to have become very sluggish over the last few days. That’s triggered one of …

: I was surprised to get a letter from our NHS inviting me for my first COVID vaccination on Monday …

: I had a real Proustian moment with this beer. The smell took me straight back to sipping Granny …

: A question from Brian Eno: If you were transported back to the year 700 what technology would you …

: Always a treat to get one of these after having a blood sample taken.

: I always find it reassuring to boot my Mac off my backup drive. However slowly…..

: Watching a photography lecture by Douglas Dunker III and enjoying a Texan brown ale.

: The Dig ★★★★☆

: Got a new picture to hang back from the framers.

: I love how books can move the reader anywhere in time and space. It’s perhaps a little ironic I’m …

: Just got the estimate for the sale of my old film cameras and confirmation they should sell quickly. …

: Hell no! My only connection to Danny is that I took the photo that’s on his Wikipedia page.

: I am really enjoying this album. It’s challenging stuff but it’s great to find something that’s …

: I already wanted to visit Oregon. I really do now! youtu.be/KIC-XmyEf…

: My daughter challenged me on getting rid of all my film cameras and how can I sell this camera?

: Cameras for sale. I am going to miss some of these cameras but they were simply beyond my reach when …

: Well, I now have a 14.5kg shipping box full of analogue and digital cameras and lenses ready to go …

: Quote of the day: “To live in Wisconsin is to watch people leave.”

: The trainee animator has been creating a retired gentleman who is also a passionate beekeeper.

: I am trying to adopt a theme of simplicity this year and iterating and evolving on what that means …

: In this year when I’m trying to simplify my life I’m seriously thinking about selling all my digital …

: I love my kindle. I enjoy reading physical books too. On top of that there is something uniquely …

: Using a sheet of ice as a filter.

: My ’Festive Five’ or most played/favourite songs from 2020

: I’m starting to think I should just bite the bullet and update my Mac to the new OS rather than …

: The trainee Animator has been busy painting some records as a gift for her sister…

: Observations further suggest in risk status-dependent manners that adding cheese and red wine to the …

: Visiting some old friends today, both 80+, and with health issues reminds me of a saying that …

: First ’live’ gig since you-know-what… It was great to be able to watch Lau play live again.

: ♬♩ All I want for Christmas is a Big Sur compatible version of my favourite backup software… …

: That’s the tree up! We’re fans of maximalism here so all the old favourite decorations are out …

: I replaced my old Garmin hill walking GPS with a more modern version. I’m loving just how quickly …

: Weird thing I’ve learned today? There’s a research paper published about the bad things …

: I think I just finished my book of the year. Mayflies by Andrew O’Hagan (it may be called Caledonian …

: This morning I have been making a surprise fun Christmas gift for the family. Just needs printed …

: Excited to book a couple of tickets to this ‘gig’. as the daughter and I are big fans or Lau.

: 2020 has felt like Philip Pullman’s description of his world in The Secret Commonwealth “Things …

: Laughed out loud! A Writer and Three Script Editors Walk Into a Bar

: This morning… “What sort of person puts butter in the film drawer‽” “What sort of person has …

: Any micro.bloggers use Standard Notes? Thoughts? I do like the focus on privacy but other than that, …

: Treat of the day was using FaceTime to see my daughter’s reaction to the chest burster scene from …

: Best productivity aid for me? A personal whiteboard I can glance at, mark-up and prioritise all the …

: Rebecca (2020) ★★★☆☆ boxd.it/ighW

: I’ve replaced my well worn Snowsled Ventile smock with a new one made in the north of Scotland by …

: I’m excited and a little nervous to have joined the Edinburgh Photographic Society, founded in 1961. …

: I love these old photos from Edinburgh taken in 1954

: It’s nice. The house is quiet — the good lady doctor her indoors is having a lie-in, daughter no. 1 …

: Sorted for cider for a little while.

: This is interesting Basically confirms apps owned by Facebook) except WhatsApp are shady with data. …

: And speaking of cider I’ve ordered another mixed case for the ‘dealer’ @bsag recommended. More focus …

: I am really delighted with the sarnies (aka sandwiches) I’m making from leftover homemade roast …

: The first major overhaul of my phone’s Home Screen in quite some time. I’m finding stacked widgets …

: I’ve suddenly been getting this exciting message associated with my boring old HP laserjet printer. …

: Anyone know if @gluon has a URL scheme? Or some other way to launch it through apps such as Launch …

: With one notable exception¹, I believe authors should never read their own book Emma Smith, author …

: (I wouldn’t disagree of any of the subscriptions on this …

: 📷 #ADayInTheLife 17:30 GMT + 1.00 Edinburgh One final glimpse of a favourite street in Stockbridge …

: 📷 ADayInTheLife 5:30pm GMT + 1.00. Edinburgh. Killing some time I. The evening while my daughter is …

: I’m looking forward to working through the Pile of Unread Books that doesn’t seem to get smaller. I …

: Face Masks Over the last few months I’ve tried a few face masks―both disposable and reusable. I’ve decided …

: When I dropped off daughter no 1 at university on Monday I had a chance for a walk by the River Tay.

: It’s getting to be that time of year again.

: Nice to be back in Dundee where you can still buy a ‘Grade A’ stuffed fox.

: Dropping-off daughter #1 at ‘university’ for her second year. The quotes are because I’m really not …

: Something stung me or bit me behind the knee yesterday. I suspect it was one of these.

: I received a couple of large boxes of cider today, following up on a recommendation from @bsag. My …

: I was powerless to resist the new DM41X

: I saw this intriguing notice stuck to a lamppost on the edge of Victoria Park yesterday. Always …

: Wandering around Edinburgh

: Who knew there was such a thing as the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. “It’s terribly kind …

: Well that was brilliant! It’s an old story but this new translation really brings it to life and the …

: I’m amazed at the power of Wright’s Coal Tar Soap to fill a house with that smell of visiting …

: I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from Field Notes notebooks but the latest edition looks fantastic

: For the moment I’m taking a very cautious approach to iOS widgets but if a couple of key apps update …

: Looks like I might be switching from Coda to Nova for my hand-cranked websites.

: I’ve frequently combined matching pen and ink colours. This is a new one for me―matching pen and …

: Chute

: It’s definitely planner season now! The Hobonichis arrived yesterday and I’ve already got the …

: I was lucky enough to find another lovely Moby Dick pottery work from the late Eric Marwick.

: I’m on a dark black & white kick exploring Edinburgh at the moment.

: A restrained selection from Hobonichi this year. 2020 has challenged the need for my traditional …

: New sushi place on Broughton Street in Edinburgh now open. It would be rude not to try them. Yum!

: I’m reading Iain Banks’ The Bridge and I’m pretty sure a Culture knife missile makes a cameo …

: I am really enjoying reading Emily Wilsons translation of Homer’s The Odyssey

: I think I might enjoy this story…

: Well that was a fun test ride of a VanMoof electric bike but a bit clunky in places. Only a giant …

: Wife and daughter #1 have been binge watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer They have just watched the …

: I think one of the smarter things I ever did was not over-managing my RSS feeds. These groups work …

: Today’s the day I would normally buying next year’s Hobonichi Techo. I’m not sure my needs are quite …

: For the first time in ages I had to refer to ‘Horowitz and Hill’ today. The HP-15C was added as an …

: That doesn’t happen often… My preferred iOS Pinboard bookmarking app was just updated.

: The lifecycle of a blackberry.

: I’m engrossed in the BBC Work Service Podcast, The Bomb. [Some initial …

: I enjoyed this film from 1902 of a ‘flying’ railway. It’s so steampunk I could imagine it coming …

: I tried my Happy Hacking Keyboard at work this morning. Disappointed that something that just works …

: Today’s highlight was getting back to a dental checkup after you-know-what. On the other side of the …

: Some cooking and baking today. Dishoom’s Awadhi Lamb Biryani is complicated but delicious. My wife …

: And. Beathe…

: Tonight’s craft beer went straight down the plughole. My daughter​​ bought me a can of Pilot’s Ultra …

: Thx weekend I may just have preordered a tweed dressing gown!

: New clean desk policy at work due to you-know-what. I’ve decided to just keep this stone on my …

: They don’t come along too often. A funny New Yorker cartoon.

: I am loving rereading East of Eden as a Folio Society hardback. Steinbeck’s writing is so fine, like …

: Tonight’s semi-lockdown stroll was to the breakwater after Granton Harbour. Lots of fisher-folk …

: That should have started ”Among my collection”…

: Amazing MF my collection of far too many bags I had forgotten I had this Topo Designs Mini Mountain …

: I keep looking at my beta period Roam Research database and wondering if I should use it. It’s …

: Back to work today after a wonderful week in this bay in Caithness. Not the holiday we originally …

: Recently I’ve learned how convenient it is to use a strop to keep a sharp edge on a knife. Loads …

: I just watched the movie ’Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’ for the second time and I don’t …

: I finished reading Platform Seven today and it was excellent. It’s the best ghost story set in …

: 🎥 What did micro.blog film club make of The Lighthouse? it’s stuck with me for the last few days …

: Ending the morning with a wee bit of Erland Cooper’s third Orkney trilogy album Hether Blether. …

: Here’s my summer break pile of books and I’m looking forward to diving in. There should be a kindle …

: Well the movie The Lighthouse was brilliant and intensely gripping but I’m not sure a story of …

: The five best Bond novels. I don’t agree with all the list but, from my experience, I would agree …

: Love a good hand-painted sign!

: I love physical books but I also enjoy e-books, which are still ‘books’. Whenever I buy a new kindle …

: I feel I’m coming to Setapp subscriptions very late but I appear to have enough apps from their …

: The Garmin Instinct is proving to be a near-perfect activity tracker. Not too smart, very light and …

: My sequential reading (actually listening) of Iain M. Banks’ Culture novels does not go well. I’m …

: I have a pet hate in those companies who provide contact forms and ways to get in touch by social …

: I am very tempted by the Roam pricing but I’m conscious to be truly effective I would need to close …

: The world of tea naming seems just that little bit more romantic than coffee with teas called …

: To paraphrase Tolstoy I’m finding that all iOS email apps are good in the same way but each app’s …

: Following a recent post where I analysed my fountain pens here’s something about a pen I love at the …

: With today’s update and the ‘Mobius’ app icon, Tot for iOS looks hugely more polished.

: One side effect of the lockdown is a bit of a spring clean and records out of storage. Some serious …

: The Little Mermaid of Lockdown

: 🎥 Little Women

: One thing my experiments with the Preside email app on iOS have taught me is the value of having …

: Hammers are clearly en vogue on my iPhone at the moment.

: I love the line “Long and slow, but necessarily so”. youtu.be/k0bWqq8sQ…

: This old t-shirt design has never seemed more appropriate. 😀

: It’s new fountain pen day today and the word of the day is ‘chattoyance’. 😀

: I saw an app called Preside described as ‘MailMate’ for iOS on a mailing list today. So I’m trying …

: A gift from colleague. I’m looking forward to adding this subtle flavour to my cooking.

: As a child of the 70s… I. Was. Powerless. To. Resist…

: Tonight’s lockdown theme was brought to us by the letter ‘P’. we also enjoyed some home …

: This afternoon’s music.

: I’m missing the chance to pop into a pub on occasion. Places like one of my locals, The Dreadnought. …

: This week our Sunday dinner theme was to dress as someone from the past.

: You know you’ve done a good job with your kids when you are cooking and say “that smells good¹” and …

: When I was a kid white eggs were the only eggs, now they just look like fake eggs.

: I’m enjoying the focus the Tot app gives to my temporary notes. Only seven notes means they either …

: Lockdown dressy board games night with kilts and and prom dresses was great fun.

: The die is cast. I’ve ordered hair clippers!

: I saw this nice poem when I was out for a stroll.

: The art student has been on a baking adventure. Chocolate brioche anyone?

: If I’m not going anywhere for a while it would be a good time to read one of the big books I never …

: I really like Gluon as an app for micro.blog. Just wish it saved timeline positions.

: Someone in this house tightens twist ties anti-clockwise. There, I’ve said it… I’M SO …

: One bonus. The coffee is better while home working.

: I am finding these are really lifting my spirits when I see them. It doesn’t matter how big, small …

: I’m guessing a lot of people are feeling like this right now. Still, at least the little Guy is …

: We enjoyed Knives Out tonight.

: It’s for things like this I love living in Edinburgh.

: Not hoarding. This is perfect for me. 1kg tins of Peanut Butter. As some of my oldest friends could …


: I’ve just finished reading this and it was wonderful. I love Olive Kitteridge and Elizabeth Strout …

: It was good to see Unread 2 out for RSS on iOS yesterday. I was really impressed and delighted the …

: Reading The Guardian tonight I’ve come to the conclusion there is something very racy about the …

: My audio book tour through Iain M. Banks’ Culture novels in the order they were published continues. …

: I am reading Elizabeth Strout’s Olive, Again and really enjoying what is fine writing but the …

: New (old) pen day. A Conway Stewart from 2011 and it has a lovely wet fine 18K nib.

: Today I’ve completed an experimental month of time tracking with Toggl. My conclusion? Interesting …

: The trainee artist has been working on tapestry and the theme of cats for the last couple of weeks. …

: I think I’m going to find the Icon Factory’s app ‘Tot’ very useful indeed.

: Complete!

: A wee treasure trove of classic clothing in Edinburgh. Next winter they promise to have tweed …

: 📚 🔗 Over on my other blog. How I read

: Mind. Blown! (People from the UK of a certain age may remember Johnny Ball’s TV programmes)

: Going old school in my calculator choice at work for a while.

: After some time off, I got a chance to do more of the Lego lunar lander again today.

: One of those “all seasons” days here in Edinburgh.

: As a long term user of the Pinboard bookmarking service, the ecosystem around it feels a bit …

: 📚 I just finished reading A Very Stable Genius, my only book about the Trump presidency. Without …

: Consider Phlebas I have finished book 1 in my Iain M Banks ‘Culture’ audio book series and reading them in the order …

: I know this is going to sound like a curmudgeonly old man, but a gentleman should not show his socks …

: And now it’s time to start on the spacecraft…

: For all you lovers of better pencils.

: With the lunar surface finished, it’s time to start the spacecraft next.

: Two very different cats seen around Edinburgh today.

: It’s that time again Lego fans! Days of agonisingly slow building as I finally start my Apollo lunar …

: I have really enjoyed the Audible podcast The Sun King presented by David Dimbleby. It’s an in-depth …

: I’m unexpectedly feeling quite sad my country is no longer part of the EU. I have no time for …

: I’ve decided my next audio books series to read in the order they were published is Iain M. Banks …

: 🔗 A few thoughts on the pleasures of good malt whisky. 🥃 Sláinte!

: Some wonderful old photos at the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh.

: I’m very impressed with how the design of the Netflix show ‘Sex Education’ makes it ok for adults to …

: I find it remarkable that I am enjoying reading a book that was printed in Edinburgh, less that 1½ …

: Dying flowers…

: Scratching an old itch, I’ve just ordered a Kaikado tea caddy. I’m looking forward to seeing it age …

: Today I saw a homeless man I’ve spoken with a few times, took a punt and gave him 66% of what he …

: Following-up last night’s conversation involving @jack @tones @twelvety and @adamproctor How have …

: I am starting to find Roam more useful as I add to it and learn more about it. I think it was @jack …

: I think my calculator knows we’re heading back to work soon!

: The girls and I managed to haul ourselves out to the borders for a wee photo walk this morning.

: 🔗 Over on my main blog:2019 in numbers…

: Saddened to learn of the death of the Scottish writer (and more) Alasdair Gray.

: 📚 I just finished reading this book and it was wonderful and engrossing and full of interesting …

: I am so looking forward to reading this beautiful Christmas gift. A copy of The Jungle Books printed …

: So many wonderful and thoughtful gifts this year. I am amazed the Trainee Artist made this and …

: After a lovely Thai meal out with family and long consideration of Santa’s favourite, I will declare …

: ‘The’ Bridge…

: Feeling more Christmassy now. A Christmas Carol at the Pitlochry Festival Theatre was superb.

: The trickle-down food chain economy of iPhones going to offspring has taken place early. My …

: Well, our decorations are old, they don’t match or they were made at nursery or primary school but …

: In dreich Scottish weather it’s so useful to keep a waxed-cotton jacket in the boot of the car. …

: I really liked the geometry of these light shades at the V&A in Dundee.

: I’ve not done one of these in a while but I am on holiday… Tonight’s crafty beer is a lovely …

: If this somewhat bizarre combination of a vinyl record of mechanical keyboard sounds is going to …

: I know what I’d vote for in the Wildlife Photographer of The Year awards. This photo of mice blows …

: Inspired by @jack’s old sidebar, I’ve written about a screenshot that’s been sitting on my computer …

: A blog post from @jack about an old blog sidebar has got me excitedly looking over an old screenshot …

: I enjoyed creating OFFIMGs for my DM42 calculator. It’s quite a challenge making them work on the …

: Daughter no. 1 prides herself in wrapping presents in an impregnable manner. So for her 18th …

: I only recently learned how difficult it is to sync Soulver 2 files on iOS with Soulver 3 on the …

: I’m reading Nine Suitcases by Béla Zsolt and finding it a hard text to read. But just occasionally a …

: Over on my main blog, a review of Ann Leckie’s Imperial Radch trilogy. In short, wonderful and a …

: Overheard in the street just now: “ She’s an old lady, of course she goes to the bingo!”

: I was in Dundee today to visit and feed the trainee artist and was called upon to photograph the …

: It may not look very spectacular now but I reckon this London Tan Oak Bark leather is going to be …

: That was a tricky one today!

: I’ve ordered a leather cover form my MARK + FOLD diary from Tanner Bates in Devon. In the past they …

: Given our family connection with Malta I found this piece of history appropriate for today and very …

: I enjoyed watching Dave play a Tiny Desk concert. Psychodrama has been one of my favourite recent …

: I found it hilarious watching a young guy in the gym obsessively checking his physique and …

: It’s a day off and I’m settling down to start reading The Buried Giant and enjoying listening to the …

: The Red Oxx C.C Rider has proven to be the perfect briefcase for me.

: “This is Roy. He was in the next cottage to us one summer holiday”. Would I lie to you?

: I feel I should write something on my blog about my long association with the Scotch Malt Whisky …

: We’re undertaking a rigorous clear out of books―to make room for more of course. It’s time to bid …

: Having some photoshop fun with one of last week’s graffiti pictures.

: Dock icons are centred as they should be in iOS 13.2!

: I have a little treasure trove of graffiti near my home.

: I think after a moment of temptation I’m going to wait for the first update of MacOS Catalina before …

: So the part of me that loves book loves this. And the same part of me that lives book is screaming …

: Today’s wee treat is a follow-up to one of my favourite photography books. Volume 2 of Jeff Bridges …

: Ooohhhh. I like this! A case for the Happy Hacking Keyboard.

: I’m enjoying the ‘Ancillary Justice’ trilogy but keep being haunted by thoughts of Iain M. Banks …

: Pulled in two directions on when I Update to Catalina. Waiting for my backup software to be …

: I am also really enjoying the Spoke Pen and it’s cousin the Baux pen. I do like orange!

: I am really liking my LAMY 2000 Bauhaus. At the end of the day, it’s just a plastic LAMY in a …

: Looks like the latest version of Icro has lost its gestures for conversations and replying. I’d kind …

: 🔗 📚 Over on my main blog, a review of the book Vietnam by Max Hastings.

: Checking my compatibility with Mac OS Catalina I’m not surprised the two big culprits are Adobe and …

: BBEdit 13? That’s a bit of a no-brainer decision - upgrading now…

: Any Flickr users know of an iOS app that allow the embed code for photos to be copied? I’d like to …

: I wonder whether there’s much correlation between the zoom level in Microsoft Word and the age of …

: It’s pay day and I just treated myself to a Kinu M47 coffee grinder. My word, it feels beautifully …

: I am hoping the iOS 13.1 sorts out some of the islet experience mess the mail app has become.

: One day I will research the long history of the English confectionary trade’s fascination with Parma …

: I am really liking Feedbin’s native app for iOS. It’s super simple and gets the job done.

: The Trainee Artist has been hard at work in DJCAD¹ this week. ——- 1. Duncan of Jordanstone College …

: I can’t quite believe iOS 13 responds by saying “Curation complete” after I send a photo to my …

: ‘Animated’ car indicators. An excellent example that just because you can do something doesn’t mean …

: 🔗 So much of this rings true with my own feelings about my daughter starting university. it also …

: This afternoon’s listening. The ‘Dave’ artwork really stands out at the bigger album size.

: My Red Oxx CC Rider is proving to be The One Bag To Rule Them All.

: This is going to be a tough and hopeful weekend. Daughter no. 1 moves off to a new city to start art …

: 📚 I just finished reading Joseph Conrad’s ‘The Secret Agent’ and enjoyed it. In particular, towards …

: I am really enjoying playing with Airtable for my lightweight database needs. Quick and easy to use …

: Exploring something different with photography to try and shake things up a bit. This is an imagined …

: Just for completeness I’ve warmed-up my lock screen with a staircase from Newhailes House near …

: I am really happy with moving my phone to only have the apps I use every single day on the home …

: I watched Rams: Principles of Good Design on the BBC last night. There was lots of lovely stuff to …

: This candid photo captures the reaction of children across Britain to the news that the UK is …

: Seen at the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop and shot with Tri-X film using a Mamiya RZ67 Pro II camera.

: Waiting to see Neneh Cherry at the Edinburgh Festival tonight.

: Bit of a contrast between today’s two cameras.

: The artist in our family has been at work again.

: Just pre-ordered my MARK + FOLD diary for 2020 which is exciting to look forward to as it’s proving …

: 🔗 New blog post following-up on my [search for the perfect messenger …

: As well as their travel bags, I really like Red Oxx’s shopping bags. Truly a bag for life!

: 🔗 Over on my main website, a long post about bags and luggage.

: 📚 I’ve just finished reading a couple of history books about project Apollo in the 1960s. I think my …

: I really like this music. Playing the record for the second time tonight while finishing a good …

: All the pencils used by my daughter over the course of a year at secondary school

: We went to paint some pottery last weekend and for most of us that meant patterns and little …

: I was delighted to learn there’s a Flickr group called Misanthropic planning about urban planning …

: New blog post. Using my new RZ67 medium format camera.

: Just received my little 3D printed Apollo Guidance Computer DSKY. The nerd in me rejoices that it is …

: Any other Mac users here use ‘older’ ScanSnap scanners? I’m wondering what I can do about the lack …

: A timely book review - Moon dust by Andrew Smith.

: I could not resist the idea of getting on of these for the big 50th anniversary next week. …

: A lovely walk around the southern end of Bute today.

: 🥃 Relaxing on holiday with family, scenery, board games, rain and the finest of malt whisky.

: We now have the pleasure of this shabby little spot on the west coast of Scotland for a few days.

: Due to a delightful lack of signal I failed to share our out-of-the-way holiday rental in …

: Last couple of nights in our out-of-the-way holiday rental curtesy of The Landmark Trust. West Coast …

: There was no way my existing Peli case would accommodate the new boy¹ among the cameras! Actually, …

: I’ve been Peli plucking this afternoon, rearranging the case I use to pack my cameras for travel.

: Even as a space nerd I’m really impressed with how the BBC World Services 13 Minutes to The Moon …

: Even tough it’s not the weekend―my traditional time for spontaneous purchase―I’ve just bought a …

: Saw these lovely old things yesterday. Perhaps modern cars should come with a brake efficiency …

: Is this Norwegian Red dead or just pining for the fjords?

: I don’t like the sentiment of the song Que Sera Sera. When a mother is asked by her child, will I be …

: My pen rotation today brought together three pens with unusual nibs. From right to left - Naginata …

: My girls would consider this very ‘basic’ behaviour but tonight’s chicken and pistachio curry was …

: Part of me 😇 thinks that I have a problem with too many cameras. The other part of me 😈 thinks I …

: 🔗 Music that just blew me away on the first hearing. Also at Just Good Music too.

: I wish I understood Apple Music. I keep trying it but something about it always confuses or alarms …

: Apologies for my English, Italian, American and Australian friends for whom the language in the …

: Tonight I’m off to the Scotch Malt Whisky Society with some friends and off work tomorrow (pure …

: 🔗 Some reflections on choosing this year’s paper planner.

: 📚 My review of Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy (Also by first proper blog post from Drafts App …

: 🔗 Over on my main blog. The idea factory and Claude Shannon

: I’m listening to Erland Cooper’s Sule Kerry for the first time. It’s not immediately as good an …

: The BBC’s new podcast about Apollo 11, 13 Minutes to the Moon is excellent. As someone who’s read a …

: I was out this morning photographing daughter no.1 and her Advanced Higher Design outfit after she …

: Every week I get the pleasure of parking in this lovely spot and wish I could have seen it back in …

: I’m looking forward to this as my next book to recover from learning about the Chernobyl disaster.

: I was happily using MS Visual Code for my markdown needs on Windows (work life) because availability …

: I’ve just been watching bats hunting in front of the house. I love bats!

: Listening to some music and I reckon 2019 has already been outstanding for new music. I think my …

: Is there a free service that allows a group of people to operate as a forum similar to Google Groups …

: Today’s super flexible Pilot Falcon nib. Tuned for Spencerian writing that I can’t do!

: I think this article on the cost vs. utility of the Tinderbox app pretty much nails it value to me. …

: I have really enjoyed reading all the James Bond books in the order they were published and wrote …

: At work I always have my Outlook calendar visible and wish more of my colleagues did too.

: I’m enjoying the delights of Congolese rapper Youssoupha. The PARENTAL ADVISORY is lost on me for at …

: Daughter no. 1 and I just avoided looking inside Schrödinger’s dishwasher. If you don’t look, you …

: I miss using Divvy on my Mac to manage window positions. Sadly it became rather flaky so it was time …

: I’m working through the entire series of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels as audio books. It was a …

: My moratorium (with loopholes) on buying new fountain pens has come to an end after about 18 months. …

: Anyone here trying the DEVONthink 3.0 public beta? I think I’m tempted but feeling the need to be …

: ARE YOU MY MUMMY? Actually Pioneers of Leningrad in a defence drill, 1937

: I enjoy using pencils, especially old-fashioned wooden ones, so I decided to treat them to a nicer …

: Some thoughts on being a member of a book group.

: One benefit of having my debit card cloned is being reminded just where my subscriptions are.

: 📚 I finally read _The Crimson Petal and The White and thoroughly enjoyed it. Like all Michel Faber’s …

: Two very good record purchases this Easter weekend. The ‘recomposed’ version of Vivaldi’s Four …

: Not done one of these for a while. Today’s craft beer is an unbelievably unctuous Canadian Breakfast …

: Drafts app is proving to be vastly more valuable and interesting now that there is a connected …

: It turns out a Drafts app action to publish to @blot is pretty straightforward to do.

: Chatting with my daughter we decided to see what text we would get by just clicking the middle …

: One of my secret pleasures is how much I enjoy using Leuchtturm A5 notebooks with the leather …

: Has anyone created Drafts actions to publish to @blot? It strikes me it would be an elegant solution …

: I’m really enjoying Damien Jurado’s new album. It’s very simple and pared-down in style compared to …

: Received a small Usagi Heavyweight cocktail shaker today and I think it’s going to be a joy to use …

: I was recently in touch with the Developer of Tinderbox and he said he was a little busy with a …

: I remember watching a German colleague using Total Commander years ago and marvelling at his …

: A remark in a podcast and a custom t-shirt voucher led to me creating a somewhat nerdy shirt …

: Thanks to my print room, I may actually learn more about how to use Tinderbox better rather than …

: I’m suffering the ultimate first world problem. My cocktail shaker is jammed shut and no cleverness …

: After tonight’s taste test, Campbeltown whisky remains undisputed world champion.

: My daughter was dropping off her portfolio at Dundee art school so I went for a wander… The …

: Whenever I hear the start of the Jess Glynne dong ‘No One’ there’s a point where I expect her to …

: I am loving Cardhop for iOS even more than the Mac app. It’s the missing contact manager for my …

: Can the Draft app for iOS only export notes into its own folder on iCloud drive? Could I use it to …

: I’ve been scanning some very old photographs for a school reunion. When I saw this one I thought the …

: This month’s audio book is Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song, a book I was forced to read at school …

: Good to see the Rego travel app finally getting a bit of love under a new owner.

: I’ve just pressed the button on the first big purchase of 2019; a Ricoh GR III camera.

: I started using Better Touch Tool to replace the functionality Apple robbed me of through their …

: After waiting patiently far too long for Apple and third parties to take advantage of the TouchBar, …

: Another object in my ‘spark joy’ blog posts. My Kyocera ceramic cooking knife. sulluzzu.com

: I’m enjoying listening to audiobooks of the James Bond novels in the order that they were originally …

: I always enjoy the distressed type in this sign whenever I see it.

: Just a thought that’s bothering me. What are the iOS apps that fill the space of apps such as …

: A new theme for posts on sulluzzu.com. Why there are certain things I really enjoy using.

: The temperature inside the house in our so-called ‘pantry’ tonight. Hopefully the beer won’t freeze! …

: It always delights me that people getting off buses in Edinburgh generally thank the driver.

: I was reading Don McCullin’s autobiography and he said that when he was a boy people looked out from …

: One of the highlights of the weekend was the chance to see the Moon in St Giles Cathedral.

: After hearing a podcast ad, I took a quick look at the Blinkist service. I got as far as one of my …

: I just realised I hadn’t archived last year’s email in MailSteward. Even though I am confident …

: I received my Studio Neat pen yesterday. It’s lovely but unexpectedly the packaging revealed my …

: I’m reading (listening to) HG Wells’ War of The Worlds and marvelling at his prescience.

: I find it interesting to note that I can write in Markdown and no-one comments about what’s on my …

: Over on the main blog I demonstrate that I need to get a life…

: New post on the main blog about why I find it valuable to publish a blog.

: ‘Merrie Land’ by The Good, the Bad and the Queen is seriously depressing but feels like a good …

: I’m more excited than I should be over my refreshed Moka coffee pot. Roll on the weekend!

: Enjoying a chilled moment reading Patricia Highsmith and enjoying a glass of Bunnahabhain.

: I’ve owned and used every edition of this book from university right through work. It has never been …

: Waiting for the start of the 132nd annual performance of Handel’s Messiah in Edinburgh. It was …

: Today more than ever conscious “how quickly the days slide away into where they came from.”

: Lots of end of year posts on my my main blog covering health, the books I read in 2018 and my final …

: On OS X Mojave with desktop stacks enabled it really annoys me that the icons move ever so slightly …

: 📚 I’m really enjoying reading The Silence of The Girls by Pat Barker.

: I do love the strange and wonderful results from using my pinhole camera.

: Poise and balance - that’s my daughter!

: Kissing trees

: I’ve been starting most days right with this kettle for years.

: I was off for my traditional winter photography walk today. I decided it was mostly a ‘film’ day so …

: I updated my ‘about’ page and added back the ‘currently reading’ page onto my website.

: Wandering around, I’m seeing lots of themed Christmas trees or minimal ones. We’re at the other end …

: I’ve enjoyed learning a little more about 3D printing over the last two days.

: Disappointed to see that things that used to just work on Apple computers have been taken away. * No …

: A few years ago I photographed many of the little things I like to keep near me on desks I use. I …

: I’ve really enjoyed CJ Samsom’s latest Shardlake book, Tombland.

: I loved this description of a set of cheese knives on Amazon. Straight out of Private Eye’s Pseuds …

: New blog post: 11 down and 1 to go! Three for November with my music, film and book favourites for …

: That’s this year’s Christmas puddings complete. Last year I thought basing the label around various …

: I’ve treated myself to three records so I’m looking forward to listening to some favourite and new …

: New blog post: The repetitive nature of tradition is comforting

: I’ve been fascinated listening to the Grenfell Tower Enquiry podcast for the last few months. …

: New blog post: Basically just a pocket dump but my first post using Blot too! …

: I’ve just seen my first Christmas tree of the year in a private home. 😡 Edinburgh, you should be …

: I’m listening to Paloma Faith talking about her song writing. She’s an absolute hoot! …

: Moving to blot rather takes me back to when I used a previous Dropbox blogging solution to move from …

: All this talk about @blot convinced me to give it a try and I blame @jack I like Pelican but the …

: I’ve de-eyedroppered my Edison Collier pen and this is the first day using it. While I miss the huge …

: At this time of year it strikes me that one of the big advantages of Siri shortcuts is I can still …

: I completed my hi-fi this weekend, adding a separate phono preamp. Apparently I was the first person …

: Why did ‘War & Peace’ become the international standard to refer to when apologising for a big …

: My first week cycling home in the dark and I see the Nukem®︎ Gamma-Ray™ 2000 is still a popular bike …

: My daughter needs survey responses on logo design and Comic Con for her Advanced Higher Design …

: Daughter no. 1 and I are off to Aberdeen for a university open day. I finally get to use the line …

: Just for fun, and to settle a long disagreement with daughter no. 2, I’ve crested a ONE QUESTION …

: New blog post: sulluzzu.com/three-act…

: I’m looking forward to reading the latest book in The Shardlake series by CJ Samson. The last one …